"...must have been a night of toil and tribulation... I have been there myself in the past. It is an anguishing decision to take... the only thing is, and this is terrible important, is to really know, I mean REALLY know what one wants and... most importantly WHO one is. Personal life has always seemed to me to be the most important thing ever. Over career, personal success, fame, lolly, achievement... the only achievement I truthfully believe in is Personal Achievement... life and the way that one is able to live... I have never sacrificed anything to that. Really and truely. And if all in the world of the theatre or cinema fails me now, as indeed it could, I would have no sense of failure at all... because my life has been the career I wanted and planned and worked to have. And, as far as I am concerned, that has been pretty bloody good... but, if on the other hand, one wants more of the sucessful theatre life, the fame and the fortune the heights and the lows which go with it... the lonliness... the worry... the terrors of a failure, of growing too old, of loosing to a younger man, of chucking up a solid background of untold happiness... then if one wants all this I suppose a trip to America and all the filth that that entails... is what one should do... and certainly it should be when one is twenty... or under... but after? Personal Choice. But I think that life, and with that I also mean Love, comes first... it's the only thing that one has in the final seconds... the knowledge that one has had time, and sense, to live, breath, love and enjoy the time one has been given..."

Typos, spelling and punctuation are his :)
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