The weather has failed me - well, I'm used to it always being nice :) It's been overcast with heavy rain every night, I got soaked in me nice new purple polo, which was ok really coz I had one of those japanese spa thingys in the hotel after, they have it very very hot!

Anyhoo, I was expecting to see a friend who I've not seen since Prague in, mmm, I think 1993, so just a while ago. Unfortunately it didn't happen; he had to get off to Ireland :( heyhoo. So, Tokyo was tainted by disappointment, I'm a people person, but it was nice to walk about and get familiar with the place. A few things have struck me, which was rude and I couldn't dodge them! haha.
1) They eat REALLY fast.
2) I think the unusally common amount of -bad- breath is from green tea, but I once heard that they think we smell of sour milk? or am I getting confused.
3) They do like to conform - which means everything is clean, & works, but a little boring. Mobile Phones - walking about the electricals area and seeing the variety of stuff on sales didn't fit with the odd fact that everyone I saw with a mobile had the same style, with the exception of the odd iPhone.

Anyhoo. The people are charming, which I love. I just wish I could say more than thank you and good afternoon. The only thing was the constant -Welcome- said to every person walking into a shop; it get's on ya tits after a while, well, it does on a busy saturday afternoon :)