I suppose I should write something? I was just looking at a work pal's blog today and it made me realise that I'm all visual with no content! Should I worry? Oops.
So, I just got back to Wellington after a really great month off work; the first 3 weeks of that with Paul who's me new fancy-man, as my dear old nan might have said. Actually, she would never have said that, but I'm always putting words in her (dead) mouth, I feel sure she doesn't mind.
We set off in different aircraft on the 28
th of August, both heading for
Heathrow, me via LA, he
via pingpongyong or somewhere, the details
elude me. Paul arrived a few hours before on the 29
th and spent most of them with some gentlemen from immigration who didn't want to believe that he'd come for a 3 week holiday with no address that he could provide in
London (I'd forgotten to give it to him, the address, that is) and a bag with just a leather jacket, jumper, belt and some underwear; I'd told him to pack for nice summer weather everywhere. By time I'd arrived he'd smoked them out (literally) and was a free man! Hurrah!
The first 4 days we spend walking around town, doing the tourist thing, meeting some friends for lunch or dinner, a drink, the movies, we even saw some celebs (
Branson and P. Anne, leaving the Diana memorial service) which is always fun when showing someone around, aye. We tried to go to the races twice but failed both times due to
Europcar, don't use them! Not in London anyway, their organisation is a disaster. On the fourth day we nearly missed the flight to Berlin, my fault this time, runs in the family, enough said. We got there
ok in the end. Had a lovely meal out with Simon and all the crowd and then caught the early Sunday morning flight to
Mykonos, nice and direct and cheap! Try it,
Germanwings, they were great (just crap times).
Ooo before I forget, Simon, there's a DC in
Buenos Aires, did you know? You should get your next -position- there, you'd LOVE it, and I would LOVE visiting!
heheheThe week in
Mykonos was just beautiful, for many reasons, but my main fears about this first holiday with Paulo were put to rest and we had a great time, the usual doobies,
Jezza and Jules, but we missed not having Richard and Ollie there - next year? I suppose it is boring to go to the same place many times, but the fact is I always have a great time, relax, eat well, see lots of pals and meet some nice new ones. It was a first in someways as I've always wanted to be there with a lover, but never seemed to be able to get one to come along? Until now. Funny things I especially remember this year were having to take a run-up on the
Cuad-bike to get it up the hill, also on the scooter with me an
Jezza, weak bike, no other reason! Paul trying things, saying he had done them before when he really hadn't; I've never enjoyed such
exaggeration more!
hahaha. Private stuff, I would just say it, but
i'm feeling coy. This ain't celebrity big brother!
I think we both wished we could have stayed for longer;
Jezza and Jules had been there a month already, the buggers! (Well, not quite a month, but why ruin a good story)
Flying back to Berlin, we stayed another day, nice food out with friends, and driving and walking around the town. I love the place. On Monday it was a
Sleazyjet flight down to Barcelona.
The only sad part of this holiday was finding out that a friend who seemed to just disappear a few years back had killed himself, not a story for here, but Carlos was a fantastic man. Maybe cliché to say, but he was always so much full of life and laughter and stories and news, so Spanish, yet not, he made me a few paintings when I first moved to
Alicante back in 2000, I've always cherished them. He did them just because I liked those colours and painting styles. These memories are what life's about to me.
We did the tourist thing from Barcelona,
Sitges, Valencia,
RefugioMarnes in the hills of
Calpe and then on to
Alicante. I enjoyed it all, and seeing friends the most. Paul was most happy in the smaller places, he's not a city boy it seems, which is odd as he lived in Sydney for 6 years, but I am SO not complaining :)
I WANT A FARM! Of sorts...
Seeing Octavio was, as ever, something that touches my soul, and my heart beats faster, but as you know the romantic element of our relationship has moved on, so it was with some anxiety that I faced seeing both him and Paul together. Very luckily for me, all was so cool, and I feel lucky I have these men and women in my life; my friends are the best a man could want or need.
Another little joy was seeing Valerie and pregnant, with a baby! She looked happier and more mellow than I've ever seen her; it's
definitely working for her - YEAH!
Beach days in
Alicante, going to all the old places, I loved it, just wish I'd had more time to see more people, but as I'm always telling myself and anyone who'll listen - you can't do it all :)
The last day was a Sunday. Willy, Paul and I set off early to get to Madrid for 10am. Paul slept most of the way, I'm jealous of his ability in that. We were off to the Races and it was a fantastic day, perfect weather too, and even more fun because Willy came and I got some quality time with him, which is always nice. I didn't even know they did horse racing in Spain. We watch the jockeys mount in the paddock, checked the form, as much as one can when one knows nothings,
hahaha, made Paul pick the winners, placed a few bets - and mostly lost! But I didn't care. Funny how life takes you one way or the other isn't it? My paternal grandfather was an complete horse (gambling) fanatic, smoked like a trooper too. I never imagined I'd ever be going to the Races and enjoying it, but I did and do.
there're photos of all this below, I'm in need of fish, or maybe Salad.
Mmm, Salad.