My last week in Sydney for the year and Rich has arrived! woohoo! Rich, Jezza and I went for a long early winter walk from Maroubra Beach to Bondi the other afternoon. It was perfect weather, well, cool, but just right for a long walk by the sea... mmm and fush and chups for lunch, and coffee, and another coffee and so on and so forth, haha.
Maroubra Beach, south side of Sydney, which was much more rural feeling that I expected. They were filming something just to the left there... lots of fit types running into the waves... very homo and away I thought.
One of the many sea pools along the coast. I like them but get to thinking some shark out there might get bored of treading water waiting for dinner and just jump over and have a good feed... ooo blimey!
Bondi sea pool, the classic, I think!