Ole! I'm in Rio with me pal The Dirty Harris. We're here seeing lovely Fernando and his fella Marcelo, and its Simon's first time, he's a virgin you know.
Anyway, anyway. I had the most pleasant surprise the other afternoon on loosing Simon along Ipanema (that wasn't the pleasant thing you silly), I loitered hoping he would turn up and I found myself following this smiley chappy walking along the shore and then realised I know that smile! It was me lovely lunchbox of beer!
Had a funny evening out at a place called the Week, fully of Bundalicious... you don't need to know those details... anyway anyway.. had a great night and following day on the beach and yakking and drinking mmm sweet guaran-acai batidos mmm. Left Rio this morning, a beautiful morning it was, i'm thinkin morning is best there, and now we're in Paraty.
here are some of the extra bits of interest around those parts...